真剣に学習する人のみ募集 スパルタ英語・英会話のNCC綜合英語学院



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bathroom と toilet
アメリカの家庭ではたいていトイレは浴室内に設置されているので、遠回しに bathroom というのが普通です。 イギリスの家庭ではトイレと浴室が別々に設置されていることも普通なので、それは当てはまらず toilet が一般的です。 ただし最近ではイギリスでも bathroom を用いる人も少なくありません。イギリスでも浴槽、洗面台、便器が一緒になっているスタイルの浴室が増えてきているからでしょう。
a round flat piece of rubber used for stopping the water flowing out of a bath or sink (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)
a small tool that has two narrow pieces of metal joined at one end, used to pull or move very small objects (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)
a small thin stick with cotton wool at each end, used for cleaning places that are hard to reach, such as inside your ears (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)
 cotton wool : 脱脂綿
a tool for clearing waste that is blocking a kitchen or bathroom pipe. It consists of a straight handle with a rubber cup on the end. (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)
  • 「合成洗剤」 synthetic detergent
  • 「中性洗剤」 neutral / mild detergent
  • 「粉末洗剤」 powder detergent
  • 「液体洗剤」 liquid detergent
  • 「環境に優しい洗剤」 environmentally-friendly detergent
a strong chemical used for cleaning things or removing colour from things (Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
a liquid that you put in water when washing clothes in order to make them feel softer (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)
a white substance obtained from potatoes and particular grains which is used to make cloth stiff (Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
a machine that removes most of the water from washed clothes by spinning them around and around very fast (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)
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